Saturday, 13 April 2013

Oh My Goodness where have I been

 Hello everyone,

Where have I been since November you may been asking yourselves, well I ask the question myself. Well, where do I start. 

Lets start by saying Happy New Year and what have you done with Spring......  Instead of writing paragraph after paragraph of apologies of why I have been a abscent blogger I will just give you a few facts and make my first back to blogging land post a collection of some of my favourite pics. Some my own some not.

Firstly Maison Daisy napkins have been slow so I am in a dilemma whether to give up or carry on, please let me know what you think.  I have been very lucky to been offered a full time job which has to be honest taken up most of my time and energy lately.  I love it and a great place to work lovely people too.  So how lucky am I.

So happy weekend everyone and enjoy the pictures. xx
